Essential Skills for Children to Learn Before Leaving for College
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Essential Skills for Children to Learn Before Leaving for College

As the new school year begins, families with college-bound children are faced with the exciting, yet daunting, task of preparing them for life away from home. College represents a significant step toward independence, and while academics are crucial, there are other areas of preparation that children need before they embark on this journey. Ensuring they…

Teaching Children to Use Freedom Responsibly 
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Teaching Children to Use Freedom Responsibly 

When freedom is misunderstood as the ability to choose to do whatever you want whenever you want, it is absolutely critical to teach children the true meaning of freedom. Parents have the great task of teaching children to use their freedom in order to respect the dignity of themselves and others. While the task may…

Navigating Identity Challenges in the Family
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Navigating Identity Challenges in the Family

Navigating identity challenges in the family can be a complex and sensitive journey. As parents, it can be difficult to address the challenges while maintaining a firm understanding of truth and morality.  Thankfully, the Church provides a framework within the Catechism that will help guide parents and families in navigating identity challenges.  “[Those with disordered…

children playing together, children building strong friendships
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Tools for Parents to Help Children Build Strong Friendships

As you educate your children in their Christian Faith, Jesus’ message of friendship as self-sacrifice may often make its way into your conversations. On its surface, it seems so simple – Jesus loves us all so much that he gave his life so we could go to heaven. However, as the little ones start getting older,…

Building Confidence Through Stages of Childhood Development
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Building Confidence Through Stages of Childhood Development

As a parent, you can begin building confidence in your child by understanding the four stages of development and assigning appropriate tasks at each stage. According to the renowned psychologist Jean Piaget, there are four stages of childhood development. Knowing these stages can help you parent your children in a way that fosters love and…

The Importance of Being a Good Student, According to St. Josemaria
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The Importance of Being a Good Student, According to St. Josemaria

St. Josemaria offers a lot of insight on the importance of being a good student. Many of his words are outlined in his little book, The Way. Read on to find inspiration for growing in professionalism and study… “An hour of study, for the modern apostle, is an hour of prayer.” The Way, 335 Maybe…

5 Ways to Get Back into the School Routine
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5 Ways to Get Back into the School Routine

As the summer comes to a close, it’s never too early to start preparing for Back-to-School by creating routines to help your children through the changes. Children thrive on structure and routines, and by implementing little changes before school starts, your children will be ready for success! Here are 5 ways to help get back…

Introducing Modern Saints to Children
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Introducing Modern Saints to Children

There are many great saints ranging from the year 100 to today in 2022 – saints that can offer help, guidance, and support for living a holy life today. Introducing modern saints to children can be a useful way to illustrate that holiness isn’t something relegated to a particular time period, age or geographical area….