5 Ways to Get Back into the School Routine

As the summer comes to a close, it’s never too early to start preparing for Back-to-School by creating routines to help your children through the changes. Children thrive on structure and routines, and by implementing little changes before school starts, your children will be ready for success! Here are 5 ways to help get back into the school routine:

  1. Morning Routines – You can start by having a small list of items that your children should complete before a certain time. That could be… waking up at a certain time, brushing teeth, making their bed, eating breakfast, straightening up their room, etc. These routines can vary depending upon the age of your children.
  2. Visible Schedules & Checklists – Creating a schedule or checklist that has images representing the tasks or activities to be completed helps children visualize what is happening during their day. This allows them to “take control” of their days and prepare for transitions.
  3. Create a Space for Work – By organizing a spot in their bedroom or another place in the house, your children understand where work should occur. It is separate from their play area and is where homework can be done after school. The space should be free from distractions, if possible, and could include a little Crucifix or image of their favorite saint on the wall or table.
  4. Make Time for Winding Down – We often can get caught up in “all the things” that need to be completed before starting the next day, but it is so important for children to have time to wind down with something not associated with school work. They can pick a book to read, spend time drawing or coloring, listen to music, or walk a few laps around the house!
  5. End the Day with Family Prayers – Depending upon when everyone is home, you could end your day with family prayers, having the children thank God for the good things that happened in their day and to pray for the intercession of your family saints. If everyone is home in the morning, you could always begin your day with family prayers! Here are more ways to incorporate family prayers into your routine.