

Making Sunday a True Day of Rest

Sports activities, house repairs, grocery shopping, laundry, homework, emails… It’s easy to get caught up in all the things that need to get done that we fill our weekends, and especially our Sunday’s, with work. While some activities can’t help being done on a Sunday, we can try to plan our schedules around Sunday. What are some ways to keep Sunday free to rest? Read on to get some ideas to encourage giving your family a break on Sunday’s:

  • Complete homework on Saturday (or Friday!)
  • Make chore lists for children to finish before a certain time on Saturday
  • Have a small brunch after Sunday Mass with no specific end time
  • Set aside 30 minutes to read a good book… Need some suggestions? Scepter Publishers has a great list for back to school!
  • Organize a short visit to the grandparents
  • Make a “no cell phone” time during the day
  • Wake up early and pray in the beauty of the morning

Making Sundays a day of rest is not only because its the third commandment, but it also sets us (and our families) up for a more proactive week! When we rest and spend time with Our Lord and the people we love, the challenges of the week are easier to take on with peace and calm.

Try resting a little more intentionally on Sundays and see how your week changes!
