Meet the Yagers! Participating in the young adult community in Kansas City, Luke and Kathleen met through mutual friends. After spending several years in Kansas City, they moved to Alton, Illinois, where Luke is an assistant state’s attorney, and Kathleen is a domestic engineer and homeschooling their five children (ages 18 months to 8 years old). The two have been married for 10 years and are sharing how their faith has informed their family life!
What role does your faith play in your family life?
Our faith is central to our lives and our family atmosphere. We are open to life, we try to live the Commandments daily, to take advantage of the Sacraments whenever possible, and really work on our personal relationships with the Holy Trinity, Our Blessed Mother, and St. Joseph, and all of the saints. Our goal as a family is to witness to all we encounter that our Catholic Faith is central to our family unit.
What religious traditions do you have as a family?
May Pilgrimage on Mother’s Day; observing Feast Days of our patron Saints. Our children are still quite young, so we are slowly working in more faith-based traditions.
What is your favorite family devotion or prayer?
We enjoy saying a Rosary every time we go somewhere in the car.
What do you hope your children understand from this devotion?
Simply that Mary is Our Mother, and even though we can’t see her, or touch her, or have an actual verbal conversation with her (usually!). She is even more a Mother than their mother on Earth, and they can count on her for anything and everything. She will love her children infinitely more than they can begin to imagine their Earthly mother can.
What about your faith do you hope to impart on your children?
God will always take care of you and will always provide for you. If you find your life isn’t going the way you “wanted” or “expected”, do not worry – He has something even more amazing planned for you than you could possibly ever plan for yourself.