Who is Mary, Mother of Fairest Love?  

Mary, Mother of Fairest Love is where Ancient wisdom meets contemporary devotion. Rooted in the sacred verses of the Book of Sirach, where God’s wisdom proclaims, “I am the Mother of fair love,” our mission is to foster a profound connection with Mary, the Mother of Fairest Love, among Catholics in the United States and beyond. Mary’s love echoes through the ages, captivating hearts with its enduring strength and tender love. 

Discovering the Biblical Roots

 In the tapestry of sacred texts, the title “Mother of Fairest Love” originates in the Book of Sirach, echoing God’s wisdom: “I am the Mother of fair love, of fear, of knowledge, and of holy hope” (Sirach 24:24). This ancient proclamation portrays fair love as resilient, akin to the enduring cedars of Lebanon, graceful as a Cypress tree, and refreshing as a palm. It is a love that mirrors the pleasing fragrance of incense before the tabernacle. 

Evolution of Devotion 

The transition from Old Testament oracles to New Testament reality saw Christians embracing this title for Mary. By the tenth century, she was invoked as the “Mother of Fair Love” in prayers of the Mass. St. Bonaventure, a revered Doctor of the Church, beautifully encapsulated this devotion in his Psalter of Mary, highlighting her as the fount of clemency and sweetness of piety, adorned with the beauty of chastity, justice, and truth. 

Twentieth Century Flourish 

In the twentieth century, the devotion experienced a resurgence, fueled by the inspiration of two saints: St. John Paul II and St. Josemaría Escrivá, the founder of Opus Dei

Pope St. John Paul II, in his 1994 Letter to Families, emphasized the pursuit of “fairest love” by contemporary families. Acknowledging the pitfalls of settling for counterfeit forms of love, he cautioned against influences in culture, media, and entertainment that diminish the human person. His words serve as a guiding light, urging families to reject these counterfeits that leave hearts weak and defenseless. 

Preceding St. John Paul II, St. Josemaría foresaw the importance of countering negative cultural influences on the family and on the understanding of human love by seeking the aid of the Mother of Fairest Love. A tireless advocate for healthy family life, he envisioned a shrine dedicated to Mary in North America, as a powerful means of service to the Lord and to the family. 

In pursuit of this vision, St. Josemaría commissioned works of art honoring Mary as the Mother of Fairest Love and envisioned a movement of the Spirit emanating from a shrine wholly dedicated to her. Today, the Fairest Love Family Shrine project stands on the cusp of realizing this dream, as we embark on a journey to build a physical sanctuary in California. Join us in this exciting venture, as we cultivate devotion, strengthen families, and spread the radiant love of Mary, the Mother of Fairest Love, throughout the United States and beyond.