Encouraging Freedom in Discerning a Vocation 
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Encouraging Freedom in Discerning a Vocation 

As parents, one of the greatest gifts we can give our children is the desire and freedom to explore and discern their vocations. Whether they are called to priesthood, religious life, married state, or apostolic celibacy, this discernment requires a deep sense of freedom, trust, and support. Encouraging freedom in discerning a vocation is a…

Gift Ideas for Grandparents on Grandparents’ Day 
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Gift Ideas for Grandparents on Grandparents’ Day 

Grandparents’ Day is celebrated on July 26, the feast day of Jesus’ grandparents, Sts. Joachim and Anne! While there are many ways to maintain a relationship with grandparents, whether they are near or far, what can we do to celebrate them on this special holiday? Take a seat! Gather your children! Get your creative minds…

Teaching Children to Use Freedom Responsibly 
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Teaching Children to Use Freedom Responsibly 

When freedom is misunderstood as the ability to choose to do whatever you want whenever you want, it is absolutely critical to teach children the true meaning of freedom. Parents have the great task of teaching children to use their freedom in order to respect the dignity of themselves and others. While the task may…

St Josemaria Escriva on living freedom as Christians
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Living Freedom as Christians: Insights from St. Josemaria

As we approach the celebration of the birthday of the United States on Independence Day, the teachings of St. Josemaria Escriva on the virtue of freedom can offer profound insights into understanding this virtue and implementing it in our own lives. St. Josemaria emphasized that real freedom is deeply intertwined with the pursuit of holiness…

St. Josemaria, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Ignatious of Loyola, St. John Henry Newman
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Words from the Saints to Overcome Selfishness

Surrounded by the constant push to seek self-gratification through material goods and excessive personal care, it can be a challenge not to fall prey to selfishness. But we are blessed to have powerful words from the saints to help guide us away from the inclination to selfish desires and direct our intentions towards the service…